Go vegan

The best resolution of our time

Live & love

Since the launch of the VEGANUARY campaign in 2014, around 2 million people have decided to kick off a new year with a purely plant-based diet. Good reasons for doing so are numerous, such as a stronger immune system, better blood circulation, performance and mood, or less pollution, water waste, famine and animal suffering.

Whether it is about the growing awareness of animal and environmental protection or health aspects, ultimately it is about the love for life.

Some MOIN employees got together in a team to try eating vegan for 31 days. Of course, there were some concerns: How will I manage without cow's milk in my coffee? What will I do without my beloved cheese? Nonetheless, everyone was willing to take the leap and supported each other with tips and experiences throughout our vegan January - and thus mastered the challenge. A great team project that we highly recommend to you.

Conclusions of the MOIN team

"I now regularly have vegan yoghurt alternatives and spreads in my shopping basket." - Julianna

"I have a new passion: vegan curries! Both to order in a restaurant and to cook myself.“ - Kendra

"I have discovered pumpkin seed butter. Delicious! Also, my skin has improved a lot.“ - Henning

"Many products that were not part of my meal plan before will definitely be here to stay. This project has inspired my whole family to think more about our food choices.“ - Susanne

At the same time, we organised small tastings for all employees at break time and made many vegan spreads available. Here, too, people were very interested and happy to try out new things. That alone made the participation successful because every journey begins with a first step.

And with each step it becomes clearer where the journey takes us. This Earth is our shared home and we are all connected. All sentient creatures are born into this world with the same basic desire:  We want to live. However, every day over 2 million animals are denied this basic need - and that number refers to Germany alone. This is confirmed by the Federal Statistical Office (graph from 2019). According to calculations by the Vegetarian Association, each German consumes an average of just under 2,000 animals in a lifetime.

The systematically inflicted suffering is gigantic and has no place in a sovereign, compassionate society. The responsibility for this clearly lies with us because every time we stand at the checkout with our purchase, we either say "Yes, keep it up!" or "No, I don't support this!"

It is also about compassion towards other people. There is enough food in the world to feed all of humanity. No one would have to go hungry. But if we feed 22 kg of grain to so-called livestock for 1 kg of meat, and in the process use up 50,000 litres of water, then things get out of balance. For this, too, we share the responsibility.

We all have our part in this and the right to be. Even creatures with beaks, curly tails or horns deserve our respect and a decent life.

Info check

Did you know that you save about 12 litres of water if you turn off the tap while brushing your teeth, but a whole 700 litres if you buy a litre of soy milk instead of a litre of cow's milk? If you eat a veggie burger instead of a beef burger, you even save well over 2000 litres of water.

Did you know that sunflower seeds consist of 26% protein? That puts them right up there with classic ground beef. Tofu comes in at 17% protein and peanuts at 30%.

Are you aware that 80% of the world's fish stocks are already overfished and completely exploited?

Did you know that the stress hormone adrenaline hinders our brain's ability to create new synaptic connections?  A cow realises she is being led to slaughter, and just as we would in her place, she gets scared. We ingest the vibration of fear and the adrenaline with the meat of these animals. This impairs both our brain functions and our ability to experience feelings of resonance such as joy and empathy - immensely important for successful social interaction.


Our thoughts, our words and our actions make the world what it is. With every sustainable and heart-based purchase, we honour life and support both our own healing processes and those of our environment. It is literally in our hands - with every single item we buy. 

The range of plant-based alternatives to meat, fish and cow's milk products has increased enormously in recent years. Our range of vegan baked goods is also growing steadily. In this day and age, the New Year's resolution to eat vegan for a month is so very achievable. Our team has also realised this in the last 31 days. And thanks to VEGANUARY, you can be accompanied along the way, day by day, step by step, with lots of helpful tips and great recipe ideas. If you look at the number of participants in this great campaign, we have clearly already come a long way. And since not everyone who takes part also registers, there are even more people who are joining forces towards peace. Powerfully and lovingly!

For those who have not yet taken part this year, we can only warmly recommend this challenge - privately or as a team at work.

Taking part is worthwhile on all levels!

31. January 2022
by Natascha Solis


vegan | attitude | responsibility | future | resources | Earth | brotherhood | sustainability